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Movement of Cases with or without AIA Procedure



All decisions and/or acts concerning the licensing and expansion of quarries constitute procedures for assignment a License.



Quarries that exceed 15ha or 200,000 t/year or that, together with other similar units (quarries), within a radius of 1 km, exceed these values, or that are located in areas considered sensitive, must be subject to a prior AIA procedure, which is an essential procedure in their licensing process. The Environmental Impact Assessment (AIA) regime for extractive industry projects is established in Decree-Law 151-B/2013, of October 31, as amended by Decree-Law 152-B/2017, of December 11.


The decisions taken by the licensing entities regarding requests for granting of exploration and expansion licenses must be publicized according to paragraph c) of article 7 of Decree-Law No. 152-B/2017.


These decisions are published in the following table: