Mineral Deposits Exploitation (Use)

Mineral Deposits Exploitation (Use)

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Av. 5 de Outubro, nº208 1069-203 Lisboa
(351) 217 922 700 / 800



Following the entry into force of DL 30/2021 of May 7, we inform that the minutes for access to the activity of mineral deposits have been reformulated and are available for download. According to article 54 of Decree-Law nº 4/2015, of 7 january (Código do Procedimento Administrativo), portuguese is the official language for requirements and technical elements. For additional information please contact DSEF-RG (rg.minas@dgeg.gov.pt). Thank you.


Application Minutes and Technical Specification - exploitation rights







Methodological Guide for the Mining Plan




Bank Guarantee or Bond Insurance Minute



Work Programs Minutes





Exploitation Report Minutes


  • Annual
    (This report is included in the annual “Inquérito único” (Single Survey), only for non-metallic minerals concessions, to be submitted via DGEG portal)



Technical Director Minutes






Explosives Order Minutes