Hydrogeological Resources
Spring Waters
According to paragraph a) of Art.º 2.º of Law n.º 54/2015, of June 22, Spring Waters are "natural waters of underground circulation, bacteriologically proper, which do not have the characteristics necessary for qualification as natural mineral waters, as long as they remain suitable for drinking at source."
Access to the activity, namely licensing fo spring waters, established in Artº 4º of Decree-Law nº 84/90, of March 16, is made through an application, supported by several documents and in accordance with Decree-Law n.º 73/2015, of May 11 (SIR).
Spring Waters
There are 19 licences to exploit spring water in mainland Portugal.
Spring Water in Activity
Currently, there are 15 Spring Waters in activity.
Spring Waters with Suspended Activity
Currently, there are 4 Spring Waters with suspended activity.