Hydrogeological Resources

Natural Mineral Waters





According to artº 2(b) of Law n.º 54/2015, of June  22, Natural Mineral Waters are understood to be "bacteriologically suitable waters, of underground circulation, with physicochemical peculiarities stable at the origin within the range of natural fluctuations, from which may result possible therapeutic properties or effects favorable to health."




The exploitation of Natural Mineral Water consists in activity of using the resource, whose exercise, by private entities, depends on the assignment of rights by an administrative exploitation concession contract.    







The procedure for granting private use rights over Natural Mineral Waters, depends on:


  1. Initiative of the stakeholders, through an application submitted to the DGEG, containing the elements foreseen in existing templates / minutes;
  2. State initiative, by opening a tender procedure.




Assignment of RigthsNatural Mineral Water Monitoring of CapturesUtilization TypesBottling Termalism






Natural Mineral Waters

Find here the qualified Natural Mineral Waters in mainland Portugal.

Use of Natural Mineral Waters

Check here the utilization types of each natural mineral water.