Hydrogeological Resources

Analytical Control of Natural Mineral Waters and Spring Waters



The Mineral Natural Waters are from the public domain of the State while the Spring Waters are from the private domain, however, the analytical control performed by DGEG does not distinguish between them, both being controlled since 1986, with the implementation of analytical control programs, due to the recognition of the need to acquire data that lead to a greater knowledge of them and thus allowing their better management and valorization.In order to clarify, rationalize, simplify and harmonize the concept of summarized physical-chemical analysis and complete physical-chemical analysis, and taking into account the increased knowledge about the exploitation of these resources, the DGEG changed, in 2016, the figure of short and complete physical-chemical analysis (Order n.º 14413/2016, D.R., 2.ª serie - N.º 229, of November 29, 2016) with the definition of the parameters that must be determined in each of these analyses, the setting of detection limits for radiological parameters and quantification limits for each of the remaining parameters in the analyses, so that their characterization is effective.


The reporting of the results of analytical programs, from 2022 on, is made through the new DGEG analysis platform, and must be done within a maximum of 10 working days, under the Administrative Procedure Code, from the date of emission of the analytical report by the laboratory (Order 5868/2017, D.R., 2.ª serie - N.º 127, of July 4, 2017).


For any questions or concerns regarding the Analytics Platform, please contact us at analises.aguas@dgeg.gov.pt