Geothermal Resources

Geothermal Resources Exploitation


Geothermal resources are "the fluids and geological formations of the subsoil, whose temperature can be economically exploited", according to paragraph o) of article 2º of Law n.º 54/2015 of June 22.




The exploration of these geothermal resources, under Decree-Law n.º 87/90, of March 16, is the "activity subsequent to prospecting and research, aimed at the economic exploitation of heat.



Paragraph e) of article 29º of Law n.º 54/2015 of June 22 states that it is the obligation of concessionaires to make use of the resources, according to appropriate technical standards and in harmony with the public interest of the best use of these assets. Hydromineral resources, whose temperature is above 20°C, can be used in their geothermal component.



Until a few years ago, geothermal resources were only used in thermal establishments. However, there has been growing interest in studies and projects aimed at using geothermal energy for heating purposes:


  • thermal establishments,
  • hotel units,
  • swimming pools,
  • and agricultural greenhouses.















Activity Access

Check here the information regarding access to the activity of exploration of geothermal resources.

Geothermal Occurrences

Check here the geothermal occurrences in mainland Portugal.

Qualified Geothermal Resources

Check here the currently qualified geothermal resources.