Bottled water market and exportation
- Market evolution of bottled water in the decade 2014-2023
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2014-2023
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2023
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2013-2022
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2022
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2012-2021
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2021
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2011-2020
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2020
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2010-2019
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2019
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2009-2018
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2018
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2008-2017
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2017
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2007-2016
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2016
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2006-2015
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2015
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2005-2014
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2014
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2004-2013
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2013
- Market evolution by type of bottled water in the decade 2003-2012
- Bottled water exportation by country of destination in 2012