Energy Statistics
DGEG is the responsible body for the official energy and geology statistical production. The assignment of responsibility is given by the Protocol on the Delegation of Competencies of the National Statistical Institute (INE), which grants DGEG the status of Statistical Authority.
The collection, production and dissemination of energy statistics is a competence of the Directorate of Energy Planning and Statistics (DSPEE) and follows a pre-established and published timetable. DSPEE is also responsible for the periodic provision of statistical data to INE, Eurostat, European Commission, International Energy Agency and the UN Statistics Division.
The DGEG is obliged to comply with:
- Legislation and Regulations of the National Statistical System, namely Law No. 22/2008 of May 13th and INE Order No. 13284/2010;
- European Regulations on Energy Statistics;
- European Statistics Code of Practice;
- Deliberations of the Council of Statistics;
- Principles and guidelines of Eurostat, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the UN Statistics Division.
To elaborate energy statistical data all information concerning production, import, export, transformation, transport, storage and consumption of all forms of energy, such as fossil coal, oil and related products, natural gas, electricity, biofuels, biomass and other alternative forms of energy is collected.
DSPEE is also responsible to communicate to the European Commission, IEA and other international bodies, statistic data concerning the stocks of crude oil and oil products.
The statistics area is also assigned to development, implement and manage/monitor the "Online Fuel Prices" website (
This platform aims at providing the public with online information on road fuel prices charged at each petrol station, as well as information on its location, available services and opening hours. Furthermore, it is also possible to automatically determine, on a daily basis, the average prices weighted by the quantities sold in the previous year, for each fuel traded, which allows DGEG to compute statistical data and not only to comply with Portugal's national and international (European Commission and International Energy Agency) reporting obligations, concerning the retail prices of road fuels, but also to obtain statistical information to assess and support the monitoring of policies and measures adopted in this area.